Ideāls ceļojumu biedrs 3 Legged Thing Punks Brian 2.0 ar Airhed Trinity Black/Black
3 Legged Thing Punks Brian 2.0 ir viegls un kompakts ceļojumu statīvs, kas piedāvā ievērojamu stabilitāti un stingrību. Tas ir 1,86 m augsts un var tikt pazemināts līdz tikai 10,6 cm.
Galvenie punkti
- Uzlabota kāju fiksācijas stabilitāte
- Maksimālais augstums 1,86 m
- Saderīgs ar Arca Swiss
Atjauninātas kājas
Kāju fiksācijas ir pārstrādātas, lai uzlabotu stabilitāti. Katru kāju var pagarināt līdz 1,39 m un izmantot kā mikrofona statīvu vai gaismas statīvu. Statīvu var pārveidot arī par galda statīvu, pievienojot 3LTs Vanz statīva kāju (pārdod atsevišķi).
AirHed Trinity
Brian video komplektā ir iekļauts AirHed Trinity, kompakts panākumu un slīpuma galva, kas piemērota videogrāfiem, saturu veidotājiem un fotogrāfiem. Tā ir aprīkota ar 360 grādu pagriešanas bāzi un 170 grādu slīpuma diapazonu.
- Maksimālais augstums 1,84 m
- Maksimālais augstums bez kolonnas 1,78 m
- Minimālais augstums 18,3 cm
- Slodzes kapacitāte 5 kg
- Kāju leņķi 23, 55, 80 grādi
- Materiāls - oglekļa šķiedra
Komplektā ietilpst 3 Legged Thing Punks Brian 2.0 ar Airhed Trinity Black/Black, AirHed Trinity video galva, Toolz Multitool, kausveida soma un citas lietas.
The ideal travel partner
The 3 Legged Thing Punks Brian 2.0 with Airhed Trinity Black/Black is an updated version of our iconic Punks travel tripod. Brian 2.0 offers remarkable stability and rigidity while remaining lightweight and compact. The tallest tripod in the Punks series, Brian 2.0 has an overall height of 1.86 m and can be lowered to just 10.6 cm.
Improved technique and increased stability in leg locking
Maximum height of 1.86 m
Arca swiss compatible
The updated legs
For Punks 2.0 have given the leg locks a facelift, with a bright new look and improved technique and increased stability. Like all twist lock tripods, the Brian 2.0 has 3 removable tripod legs. When fully extended, each leg individually measures 1.39 m and can be used as a microphone arm or light stand. This also allows conversion to a table tripod with the addition of 3LTs Vanz tripod leg (sold separately).
Air hed
The Brian video kit is combined with the AirHed Trinity, a compact pan and tilt head with smooth movements that provides videographers, content creators, wildlife spotters and photographers with a versatile option to support their cameras, telescopes and long lenses. Made of a precision engineered magnesium alloy suitable for use in space, the AirHed Trinity features a 360 degree swivel base and a full 170 (+90 / 80 ) tilt range.,
Removable and reversible center column
Tri Mount plate is refined and offers three hollowed out tracks for accessory mounts
1/4 20 accessory mount on tripod hood
Removable tripod feet
Max height 1.84 m
Max Height without column 1.78 m
Min height 18.3 cm
Removable leg Max height 1.39 m
Detachable leg (full monopod setup) Max Height 1.91 m
Folded length 42 cm
5 Section legs / 2 Section column
Payload capacity 5 kg
Tripod set weight 1.71 kg
Leg angles 23, 55, 80
Max Diameter leg tube 23 mm
Material Carbon
1 x 3 Legged Thing Punks Brian 2.0 with Airhed Trinity Black/Black
AirHed Trinity multi purpose video head with Arca swiss plate
Toolz Multitool, hex key, coin key, key ring, carabiner and bottle opener
Clamshell bag & removable, extendable bag strap