>Foto foni>Caruba Achtergrond Set Photocube LED 50x50x50cm PFC 5050
Caruba fona komplekts Photocube LED 50x50x50cm Šis Caruba fona komplekts sastāv no četriem dažādiem foniem Caruba portatīvajai fotostudijai LED. Šie foni tiek piegādāti kopā ar pārnēsājamo fotostudiju pēc noklusējuma, taču laika gaitā tie var sabojāties. Ērti, ka tie ir pieejami arī atsevišķi.
Caruba Achtergrond Set Photocube LED 50x50x50cm PFC 5050
Caruba Backdrop Set Photocube LED 50x50x50cm This Caruba Background set consists of four different backgrounds for the Caruba Portable Photo Studio LED. These backgrounds are supplied with the Portable Photo Studio by default, but they can get damaged over time. Handy that they are also available separately. ,
Warranty 3 years ,
4 x Caruba Backdrop Photocube LED 50x50x50cm
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PVC Plastikāta
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