Sortimenta jaunumi - Mantona Outdoor koferis/ Case M Nr.18508 - ātri pasūtīt no ražotāja

Izturīgs koferis dažāda aprīkojuma transportēšanai

Mantona Outdoor koferis/ Case M Nr.18508

Rated 4/5 based on 1 customer reviews

ar PVN

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Cieta materiāla koferis ir labākais veids, kā aizsargāt savu aprīkojumu transportēšanas laikā. Tajā var pārvadāt ne tikai foto un video aprīkojumu, bet arī citas trauslas lietas, mērinstrumentus un tehniskas iekārtas. Kofera iekšpusē esošais putu materiāls absorbē triecienus un notur aprīkojumu vietā. Izņemot norobežojošās daļas, var iegūt plašāku vietu. Korpusa uzbūve ir izturīga un sniedz augstāko drošību. Speciālie slēgmehānismi ļauj koferi noslēgt ūdensdroši, lai netraucētu mitri laikapstākļi. Speciāls vārsts ļauj hermētiski noslēgt koferi, lai nodrošinātu nemainīgu spiedienu, piemēram, lidojuma laikā.


Produkta īpašības:

  • Īpaši izturīga uzbūve;

  • Drošs pret mitrumu, triecieniem un putekļiem;

  • Paredzēts īpaši ekstrēmiem brīvas dabas apstākļiem;

  • Paredzēts vērtīgu lietu un iekārtu transportēšanai;

  • 4 izņemami norobežojum;

Spiedienu noturīgais vārsts.



Tehniskie parametri:

Iekšējais izmērs


Ārējais izmērs





Polipropilēns, putu


Pelēks, melns


  • heavy-duty design with extra protection
  • waterproof – shockproof - dustproof
  • developed for toughest outdoor use
  • suitable for the transportation of valuable objects like documents, jewelry etc.
  • stackable and 100% water-resistant
  • incl. four individually cuttable foam inlays
  • pressure equalizing valve
  • loop for padlock
  • first-class workmanship and quality

Protection for valuable equipment
The mantona Outdoor ´Protective Case was developed for toughest outdoor use. It offers highest protection for your valuable photo equipment, which you want to transport safely on your shoots. It is also very well-suited for transporting smaller, sensitive items, such as jewelry, technical equipment or valuable documents. In order to ensure a space-saving transport, you can stack the Outdoor Protective Cases on top of each other.

Foam inserts for individual adjustment
The foam inlays on the inside of the case enclose the content carefully and at the same time cushion impacts. Thanks to the pre-cut mini squares on the inlays, intended type forms can be cut off easily, so that individual designs are the result. No matter if you use it for your sensitive photo equipment or for your valuable medicine or measuring utensils, you can always create perfect protection on your own. And once you would like to use the full space of your case, you can certainly remove the foam inlay completely.

Highest transport safety and manual pressure equalization
The case offers highest transport safetly with its sturdy body material. Specific sealings and latches even make it waterproof and therefore also suitable for use in wet and moist conditions. The convenient hand valve allows a manual pressure equalization in the case, e.g. after a flight.

Elegant design and high quality
The design of the case is characterized by its simple elegance and the case impresses with its high quality and excellent workmanship.

General information

Material Polypropylene/ foam
Product Color Grey-black
Length 330mm
Width 280mm
Height 120mm
Weight 1600g
Stackable Yes

Data outside

Length (outside) 330mm
Width (Outside) 280mm
Height (outside) 120mm
Length (inside) 300mm
Height (inside) 101mm
Width (Inside) 220mm


Girth 1208mm
Height of Packaging 140mm
Length of Packaging 340mm
Packaging Material Carton
Packaging with Euro Hole No
Weight incl. Packaging 1860g
Width of Packaging 294mm
Produkta veidsKoferis
Korpusa opcijasar pildījumu, porolonu

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