Blackmagic Design Micro Converter BiDirect SDI/HDMI 12G PSU (BM-CONVBDC/SDI/HDMI12G/P)
The Micro Converter BiDirectional SDI/HDMI 12G from Blackmagic Design can convert SDI to HDMI and HDMI to SDI in all SD-, HD- and Ultra-HD-Formats up to 2160p/60 at the same time. The conversion in both directions can also be in different SD-, HD- and Ultra-HD-Video Standards. So to speak, you recieve two converters in one. The robust metal design is ideal for live production and broadcasting. Additionally this tiny converter can be used hidden anywhere. The Power can be supplied via a USB-C socket.
Copy protection: Please note that no copy-protected HDMI sources can be recorded via the HDMI input. Always learn about copyrights before recording or distributing content.
Camera Control: Bi-directional signal conversion supports Blackmagic Camera Control and Tally.
Settings control: via MacOS X or Windows utility via USB
Operating Systems:
Mac Catalina 10.15, Mac Big Sur 11.1 or higher
Windows 10, 64 Bit
Software: Product software upgrade via USB
Power consumption: max. 5 watts
Operating Voltage Range: 4,40–5,25 V DC
Physical Specifications:
81 x 59 x 25 mm
Weight: 174 g
New family of Micro Converter 12G models lets customers use HDMI equipment with professional SDI systems! Micro Converter SDI to HDMI 12G is perfect for monitoring in all SD, HD, 4K and Ultra HD standards up to 2160p60. It includes a 17 point 3D LUT for color calibrating monitors. Customers can also output the 3D LUT on the 12G-SDI loop output. Plus it supports DCI film rates including 4Kp24, 4Kp47.95 and 4Kp48. 11/12 2021.
The new Blackmagic Micro Converters are incredibly tiny broadcast video converters that let customers connect between consumer HDMI and professional SDI equipment. The rugged and miniaturized design makes them small enough to be used anywhere. Customers get professional 3G-SDI or 12G-SDI connections, depending on the models, so customers can work with SD, HD and Ultra HD formats up to 2160p60. Micro Converters use USB for power, so they can be powered directly from televisions or laptop computers. Customers can even purchase them without power supplies. Only Blackmagic Micro Converters feature custom electronics that conform to global broadcast specifications, and can be updated to new standards in the future.
The Micro Converter SDI to HDMI 12G model is perfect for monitoring in all SD, HD, 4K and Ultra HD standards up to 2160p60. It includes a 17 point 3D LUT for color calibrating monitors. Customers can also output the 3D LUT on the 12G-SDI loop output. Plus it supports DCI film rates including 4Kp24, 4Kp47.95 and 4Kp48.
The Micro Converter SDI to HDMI 12G model is perfect for connecting HDMI cameras and computers to professional SDI equipment. Customers get two 12G-SDI outputs for connecting to SD, HD or Ultra HD equipment. When working in HD it supports 3G-SDI level A and B. This model also supports film standards including 4Kp24, 4Kp47.95 and 4Kp48.
The Micro Converter BiDirectional SDI/HDMI 12G model can convert in both directions, in different standards at the same time. Customers can convert SDI to HDMI and HDMI to SDI simultaneously. Plus it supports camera control protocol conversion, so customers can use Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras with professional SDI live production switchers.
Unlike other small SDI converters, Blackmagic Micro Converters feature the highest quality broadcast technology, miniaturized into an incredibly strong metal enclosure. Each converter has the highest quality broadcast industry standard SDI and HDMI connectors. Blackmagic Micro Converters include a USB connection for power, as well as for changing settings via the converter utility on Mac and Windows. Because the USB powers the converter, customers can even power it from televisions or laptop computers. There are even LEDs for status. Customers can also buy Blackmagic Micro Converters with an AC power supply including 4 adapters for international use.
Unlike cheap converters, Blackmagic Micro Converters include the highest quality signal processing and deep bit depth video pipeline. Micro Converters have been engineered with precision electronics so customers get very low SDI jitter, allowing customers to extend SDI cables over long distances. That’s vital for live production where equipment such as cameras can be a long distance from switchers. Blackmagic Micro Converters work with both 8 and 10-bit video formats, in RGB or YUV, and in all SD, HD and Ultra HD formats, depending on the model, up to 2160p60. They even support 1080p24, 1080p47.95, 1080p48, 4Kp24, 4Kp47.95 and 4Kp48 film rates. Plus customers get fully embedded audio and timecode support.
For color accurate monitoring, some models include a 3D LUT. Customers can apply custom looks, color and gamma changes in real time for on set monitoring. Plus LUTs can also be applied to the SDI loop output, allowing customers to use the converter as a 3D LUT processor. 3D LUTs are great for allowing a low cost computer monitor or TV to be used as a color calibrated broadcast or grading monitor. 3D LUTs are included on the SDI to HDMI 3G, SDI to HDMI 12G and BiDirectional SDI/HDMI 12G models. Customers can even use DaVinci Resolve to create custom 3D LUTs. Because DaVinci Resolve can be downloaded free, it costs nothing to start creating their own library of 3D LUTs. Imagine reproducing old film stocks.
Micro Converter 12G models have everything for the latest HDR workflows. Simply connect a HDR monitor, projector or TV and customers are ready for HDR monitoring. Static metadata PQ and Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG) formats in the VPID are handled according to the ST2108-1, ST2084 and the ST425 standards. Micro Converter 12G models handle ST425 which defines 2 new bits in the VPID to indicate transfer characteristic of SDR, HLG or PQ. Plus the ST2108-1 standard defines how to transport HDR static or dynamic metadata over SDI. There is also support for ST2082-10 for 12G SDI as well as ST425 for 3G-SDI sources. Both Rec.2020 and Rec.709 colorspaces are supported.
Blackmagic Micro Converter 12G models add all the SDI and HD formats of the 3G models plus powerful Ultra HD and 4K formats. 12G-SDI formats include 2160p23.98, 2160p24, 2160p25, 2160p29.97, 2160p30, 2160p47.95, 2160p48, 2160p50, 2160p59.94, 2160p60, 4Kp23.98 DCI, 4Kp24 DCI, 4Kp25 DCI, 4Kp29.97 DCI, 4Kp30 DCI, 4Kp47.95 DCI, 4Kp48 DCI, 4Kp50 DCI, 4Kp59.94 DCI and 4Kp60 DCI, 4KPsF25 DCI, 4KPsF29.97 DCI and 4KPsF30 DCI. All these formats mean the Micro Converter 12G-SDI models have the film and television standards of the future so customers can move to Ultra HD whenever they want.
Micro Converter 12G Features
Vienkārši apvienojiet SDI un HDMI komponentus savā videoiestatījumā ar Blackmagic Design Micro Converter BiDirectional SDI/HDMI 3G. Šis kompaktais divvirzienu pārveidotājs var vienlaikus konvertēt SDI uz HDMI un otrādi, pat ja tiek izmantoti dažādi standarti, un tas atbalsta izšķirtspējas līdz DCI 2K SDI un 1080p60 HDMI. Tas piedāvā arī kameras vadības konversiju Blackmagic HDMI kamerām, piemēram, BMPCC 4K vai 6K, ļaujot tās izmantot ar SDI bāzētu tiešraides komutatoru. Micro Converter BiDirectional SDI/HDMI 3G ir HDMI laika koda atbalsts, SDI atkārtota sinhronizācija stabilitātei garos kabeļu maršrutos, atbalsts plašam profesionālo apraides izšķirtspēju diapazonam, tostarp kinematogrāfiskajai 48 kadri sekundē sekundē, kā arī HDMI un SDI iegultā audio ievade un izvade.
Šim kabatas izmēra pārveidotājam ir izturīgs metāla korpuss ar strāvas un signāla LED statusa indikatoriem un izturīgām savienotāju saskarnēm. C tipa USB ports ļauj divvirzienu SDI/HDMI pārveidotājam viegli pieslēgties lielo ekrānu monitoriem, klēpjdatoriem, galddatoriem vai projektoriem un saņemt no tiem strāvu. Šo pārveidotāju var arī barot, izmantojot komplektā iekļauto 100-240 V maiņstrāvas barošanas avotu ar četriem starptautiskiem kontaktligzdas adapteriem.
New family of Micro Converter 12G models lets customers use HDMI equipment with professional SDI systems! Micro Converter BiDirectional SDI/HDMI 12G can convert in both directions, in different standards at the same time. Customers can convert SDI to HDMI and HDMI to SDI simultaneously. Plus it supports camera control protocol conversion, so customers can use Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras with professional SDI live production switchers. 11/12 2021.
The new Blackmagic Micro Converters are incredibly tiny broadcast video converters that let customers connect between consumer HDMI and professional SDI equipment. The rugged and miniaturized design makes them small enough to be used anywhere. Customers get professional 3G-SDI or 12G-SDI connections, depending on the models, so customers can work with SD, HD and Ultra HD formats up to 2160p60. Micro Converters use USB for power, so they can be powered directly from televisions or laptop computers. Customers can even purchase them without power supplies. Only Blackmagic Micro Converters feature custom electronics that conform to global broadcast specifications, and can be updated to new standards in the future.
The Micro Converter SDI to HDMI 12G model is perfect for monitoring in all SD, HD, 4K and Ultra HD standards up to 2160p60. It includes a 17 point 3D LUT for color calibrating monitors. Customers can also output the 3D LUT on the 12G-SDI loop output. Plus it supports DCI film rates including 4Kp24, 4Kp47.95 and 4Kp48.
The Micro Converter SDI to HDMI 12G model is perfect for connecting HDMI cameras and computers to professional SDI equipment. Customers get two 12G-SDI outputs for connecting to SD, HD or Ultra HD equipment. When working in HD it supports 3G-SDI level A and B. This model also supports film standards including 4Kp24, 4Kp47.95 and 4Kp48.
The Micro Converter BiDirectional SDI/HDMI 12G model can convert in both directions, in different standards at the same time. Customers can convert SDI to HDMI and HDMI to SDI simultaneously. Plus it supports camera control protocol conversion, so customers can use Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras with professional SDI live production switchers.
Unlike other small SDI converters, Blackmagic Micro Converters feature the highest quality broadcast technology, miniaturized into an incredibly strong metal enclosure. Each converter has the highest quality broadcast industry standard SDI and HDMI connectors. Blackmagic Micro Converters include a USB connection for power, as well as for changing settings via the converter utility on Mac and Windows. Because the USB powers the converter, customers can even power it from televisions or laptop computers. There are even LEDs for status. Customers can also buy Blackmagic Micro Converters with an AC power supply including 4 adapters for international use.
Unlike cheap converters, Blackmagic Micro Converters include the highest quality signal processing and deep bit depth video pipeline. Micro Converters have been engineered with precision electronics so customers get very low SDI jitter, allowing customers to extend SDI cables over long distances. That’s vital for live production where equipment such as cameras can be a long distance from switchers. Blackmagic Micro Converters work with both 8 and 10-bit video formats, in RGB or YUV, and in all SD, HD and Ultra HD formats, depending on the model, up to 2160p60. They even support 1080p24, 1080p47.95, 1080p48, 4Kp24, 4Kp47.95 and 4Kp48 film rates. Plus customers get fully embedded audio and timecode support.
For color accurate monitoring, some models include a 3D LUT. Customers can apply custom looks, color and gamma changes in real time for on set monitoring. Plus LUTs can also be applied to the SDI loop output, allowing customers to use the converter as a 3D LUT processor. 3D LUTs are great for allowing a low cost computer monitor or TV to be used as a color calibrated broadcast or grading monitor. 3D LUTs are included on the SDI to HDMI 3G, SDI to HDMI 12G and BiDirectional SDI/HDMI 12G models. Customers can even use DaVinci Resolve to create custom 3D LUTs. Because DaVinci Resolve can be downloaded free, it costs nothing to start creating their own library of 3D LUTs. Imagine reproducing old film stocks.
Micro Converter 12G models have everything for the latest HDR workflows. Simply connect a HDR monitor, projector or TV and customers are ready for HDR monitoring. Static metadata PQ and Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG) formats in the VPID are handled according to the ST2108-1, ST2084 and the ST425 standards. Micro Converter 12G models handle ST425 which defines 2 new bits in the VPID to indicate transfer characteristic of SDR, HLG or PQ. Plus the ST2108-1 standard defines how to transport HDR static or dynamic metadata over SDI. There is also support for ST2082-10 for 12G SDI as well as ST425 for 3G-SDI sources. Both Rec.2020 and Rec.709 colorspaces are supported.
Blackmagic Micro Converter 12G models add all the SDI and HD formats of the 3G models plus powerful Ultra HD and 4K formats. 12G-SDI formats include 2160p23.98, 2160p24, 2160p25, 2160p29.97, 2160p30, 2160p47.95, 2160p48, 2160p50, 2160p59.94, 2160p60, 4Kp23.98 DCI, 4Kp24 DCI, 4Kp25 DCI, 4Kp29.97 DCI, 4Kp30 DCI, 4Kp47.95 DCI, 4Kp48 DCI, 4Kp50 DCI, 4Kp59.94 DCI and 4Kp60 DCI, 4KPsF25 DCI, 4KPsF29.97 DCI and 4KPsF30 DCI. All these formats mean the Micro Converter 12G-SDI models have the film and television standards of the future so customers can move to Ultra HD whenever they want.
Micro Converter 12G Features
Produkta veids | Video Mikseris |
Produkta veids | Blackmagic Design |
Savienojuma spraudnis | 3,5mm |