Compact Chic, Sonic Magic
Iepazīstinām ar WES 2,4 GHz bezvadu mikrofona sistēmu, kas paredzēta Android mobilajām ierīcēm. Godox WES USB C 2X raidītāja uztvērēja-uztvērēja lādētāja komplekts ir ideāli piemērots vlogu veidošanai, tiešraidei un filmēšanai brīvā dabā.
- Speciāli izstrādāts Android mobilajām ierīcēm
- Plug and play funkcionalitāte
- Kristālskaidra skaņas kvalitāte
- MAX. 200 m LOS diapazons
Īpaši viegls dizains
WES ir neticami viegls - uztvērējs sver tikai 7 gramus un raidītājs - 12 gramus, tāpēc tas ir ļoti viegli pārnēsājams.
Viena klikšķa trokšņu slāpēšana
Uzlabota trokšņu slāpēšanas tehnoloģija ar pielāgojamiem spēcīga un vāja režīma ierakstiem.
Kristāldzidra skaņas kvalitāte
Visvirziena polaritātes modelis nodrošina izcilu tīrību ar 48 kHz/16 bitu paraugu ņemšanas frekvenci un maksimālo skaņas kvalitāti. 110 dB SPL.
MAX. 200m LOS diapazons
Augsta stipruma, pret traucējumiem izturīga 2,4 GHz antena pārraides attālumam līdz 200 m.
Viengabalaina vadība un uzlāde
Viegla audio kontrole ar GODOX MIC vadības ierīci lietotnē. Plug and play funkcionalitāte tūlītējai lietošanai.
Darbojas 24 stundas
Kombinācijā ar lādēšanas korpusu izbaudiet 24 stundu ierakstīšanas laiku bez pārtraukumiem.
- Modelis: WEC TX
- Pārraides veids: 2,4 GHz frekvences pārlēkšanas sistēma
- Uztveršanas modelis: Visvirziena
- Frekvenču diapazons: 20Hz - 20KHz
- Maks. SPL: 110 dB
- Dinamiskais diapazons: 86 dB
- Maks. Bezvadu sakaru attālums: 200m
- Litija akumulators: 3,7 V 140 mAh
- USB C ievade: 5V 160mA
- USB C izeja
- Darba laiks: aptuveni 8 stundas
- Uzlādes laiks: aptuveni 2 stundas
- Darba vides temperatūra: 10-50°C
- Izmērs: 48mm x 22mm x 16mm
- Neto svars: 12 g
Compact Chic, Sonic Magic
Meet the super convenient plug n play WES 2.4GHz wireless microphone system. Made specifically for Android mobile devices, the Godox WES USB C 2X Transmitter Receiver Charger Kit is an ideal partner for vlogging, livestreaming, outdoor shooting and more.
Specially made for Android mobile devices
Plug and play functionality
Crystal clear sound quality
MAX. 200m LOS range
Super lightweight design
Weighing only 7 grams for the receiver and 12 grams for the transmitter, the WES is a featherweight audio solution designed for ultimate portability.
One click noise cancellation
Using innovative audio treatment technology, WES offers advanced noise reduction solutions with strong and weak modes for users to customize their recordings.
Crystal clear sound quality
Designed with an omnidirectional polar pattern, the WES delivers exceptional clarity with a 48kHz/16bit sampling rate and a Max. 110dB SPL.
MAX. 200m LOS range
With a high gain, interference resistant 2.4GHz antenna, WES supports a line of sight transmission distance of up to 200m, giving you freedom in content creation.
Seamless control and charging
Control your audio effortlessly with GODOX MIC in app control on your smartphone. The RXs plug and play functionality lets you turn it on instantly, charge your phone and play audio instantly for seamless use.
Lasts for 24 hours
Combined with the charging case, the entire system has an extraordinary 24 hours of recording time, ensuring a pristine experience without any interruption.,
Model: WEC TX
Transmission Type: 2.4GHz Frequency Hopping System
Pickup Pattern Omnidirectional
Frequency Range 20Hz 20KHz
Pickup Pattern Omnidirectional
Frequency Range 20Hz 20KHz
Max. SPL 110dB
Dynamic Range 86dB
Max. Wireless distance 200m
Lithium Battery Parameters 3.7V 140mAh, 0.518Wh
USB C input 5V 160mA
USB C output
Working time Approx. 8 hours
Charging time Approx. 2 hours
Working Environment Temperature 10~50
Dimension 48 mm x 22 mm x 16 mm
Net weight 12g
Model: WES RX
Transmission Type: 2.4GHz Frequency Hopping System
Pickup Pattern: Omnidirectional
Max. Wireless distance: 200m
USB C input: 9V 2A
USB C output: 5V 1A 5V 2A; 9V 1A 9V 2A
Working environment Temperature: 10~50
Dimension: 48 mm x 27 mm x 11 mm
Weight: 7g
Model:WES C1
Lithium Battery Parameters: 3.7V 140mAh, 0.518Wh
USB C input: 5V 1.3A
Working time: Charge 2 devices for about twice
Charging time: Approx. 2 hours
Working Environment Temperature: 10~50
Dimension: 63 mm x 85 mm x 30 mm
Weight: 83 g
2 x Transmitter
1 x Receiver
1 x Charging case
1 x Storage bag
1 x Furry windscreen
1 x USB A to USB C Data cable