Walimex pro Swing handsfree Umbrella olive 17828

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Swing handsfree Umbrella olive

  • handsfree umbrella ideal for photographers and hikers
  • both hands free for photographing and operating the camera
  • mountable to nearly any backpack with fixing clips or to the walimex pro carrier system for the swing handsfree
  • protection against rain, heat and UV radiation
  • telescope fiberglass shaft,  continuously adjustably up to approx. 1m
  • extremely light and tear-resistant polyester treated with Teflon
  • large diameter of approx. 114cm
  • extremely light weight of approx. 370g

The optimal solution for outdoor photographers
You were so excited about your outdoor shoot, but then the rain thwarted your plans. Have you ever been in this situation? Photographing in nature in the rain is anything but easy. On the one hand, you want to protect your camera and yourself from the rain; on the other hand you need both hands for shooting. Because of this, traditional umbrellas are inconvenient; rain gear is unpleasant in longer shootings as it leads to heat build-up and sweating. Now there is a solution to this problem: The Swing handsfree is an absolutely innovative umbrella with which you have both hands free for shooting.

For more flexibility
It is also ideal for hiking and trekking. The fiberglass shaft is telescopic and can be continuously adjusted to your height up to a length of approx. 1m. It is simply attached to the top of your backpack with clips and at the bottom to your belt, belt loop or to the waist belt of your backpack. When you are out without your backpack, you can use the walimex pro carrier system specifically for the swing handsfree, to which you can attach the umbrella. That way the umbrella is securely fastened, you have both hands free, and you are protected reliably against the rain due to its large diameter of approx. 114cm. Due to its Teflon treatment, the rain simply rolls off. Depending on the wind direction, the umbrella can be positioned to the right or left.

Excellent workmanship
The umbrella also receives top grades regarding the material used and the workmanship: the umbrella roof consists of extremely light and tear-proof polyester fabric, the frame of elastic and sturdy fiberglass. As hardly any metal was used, the particularly lightweight umbrella is noncorrosive, a quality that pays off in the rain. Using the umbrella as a traditional umbrella is not a problem due to the telescopic shaft and the ergonomic handle made from rigid foam. For transporting the umbrella, you can attach the umbrella in its breathable bag to the side of your backpack.

Diameterapprox. 114cm
Run-out Sizeapprox. 100cm
Transport Sizeapprox. 76cm
Weightapprox. 370g
  • 1x Swing handsfree Umbrella olive, incl. umbrella bag, fabric bag with 2 clips and Velcro, and two fixing straps
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