Allocacoc PowerCube paplašinātais tālvadības pults komplekts pelēks
Allocacoc PowerCube Extended Remote Set piedāvā ļoti gudru risinājumu problēmai, par kuru lielākā daļa cilvēku nedomā. Standarta vairāku ligzdu gadījumā savienojumi parasti ir izvietoti rindā. Neskatoties uz to, ka kontaktligzdas ir izvietotas 45 grādu leņķī, daži kontaktdakši joprojām var apgrūtināt vai padarīt neiespējamu blakus esošās kontaktligzdas izmantošanu. Īpaši bieži tas ir sastopams ar adapteriem. Tā kā Allocacoc PowerCube kontaktdakšas nav izvietotas viena blakus otrai, bet ir izvietotas kuba sānos, tas nerada problēmas.
PowerCube Extended Remote ir četri savienojumi, kas visi ir iezemēti. PowerCube ir ļoti ērts ieslēgšanas/izslēgšanas slēdzis, lai to izslēgtu, kad pieslēgtais aprīkojums netiek izmantots. Izmantojot PowerRemote, jūs varat ieslēgt un izslēgt PowerCube pievienotās ierīces attālināti. PowerRemote var izmantot arī kā kājskrūvi. Pagarināšanas kabeļa garums ir pusotrs metrs.
- 1 x Allocacoc Power Remote
- 1 x Allocacoc PowerCube
Allocacoc PowerCube Extended Remote Set Grey
The Allocacoc PowerCube Extended Remote Set offers a very clever solution to a problem that most people do not think about. With a standard multiple socket, the connections are usually placed in a row. Despite the fact that the sockets are placed in a 45 degree angle, some plugs can still make it difficult or impossible to use the socket next to them. This is especially common with adapters. Because the plugs of the Allocacoc PowerCube are not placed next to each other but on the sides of the cube, this does not pose a problem.
The PowerCube Extended Remote has four connections which are all grounded. The on/off switch on the PowerCube is very handy to switch it off when the connected equipment is not in use. With the PowerRemote you can switch the devices connected to the PowerCube on and off remotely. The PowerRemote can also be used as a footswitch. The extension cable is one and a half metres long. ,
Controllable with supplied remote control
Remote control has a range of 25 metres
PowerRemote can be attached to any surface
Enough space for connecting adapters
With on/off switch
1.5 metre long cable
Four grounded connections
Can be secured with a dock
2 year warranty
1 x Allocacoc Power Remote
1 x Allocacoc PowerCube