Rolux Dual Battery Charger RL-2KS V-Mount akumulatoriem ir profesionāls akumulatoru lādētājs, kas paredzēts divu akumulatoru vienlaicīgai uzlādēšanai. Akumulatora lādētājam ir tīkla kabelis un 4 kontaktu XLR kabelis, kas ļauj tieši nodrošināt jebkuru videokameru (ar 4 kontaktu XLR savienojumu) ar strāvu. Tātad jūs varat izvēlēties uzlādēt vienu vai divus V-Mount akumulatorus vai nodrošināt savu profesionālo kameru ar strāvu.
;Lādētājam ir divas LED gaismas. Ja šīs gaismas ir sarkanas, tas nozīmē, ka baterijas joprojām ir tukšas. Kad tie ir oranžā krāsā, tie ir gandrīz pilnībā uzlādēti, un, kad tie ir zaļi, tie ir pilnībā uzlādēti un gatavi izņemt no lādētāja. Ja vēlaties izņemt akumulatorus, vispirms ir jāizslēdz lādētājs.
;Šis RL-2KS akumulatora lādētājs ir paredzēts V uzlādēšanai. - Uzstādiet baterijas un nodrošiniet kameru ar jaudu.
The Rolux Dual Battery Charger RL-2KS for V-Mount batteries is a professional battery charger designed to charge two batteries at the same time. The battery charger comes with a net cable and a 4 pins XLR cable, which allows you to directly provide any videocamera (with a 4 pins XLR connection) with power. So you can choose to either charge one or two V-Mount batteries or to provide your professional camera with power.
The charger has two LED lights, when these lights are red it means that the batteries are still charging, when they are orange they are almost fully charged and when they are green they are fully charged and ready to remove from the charger. If you would like to remove the batteries you need to shut down the charger first.
This RL-2KS battery charger is made to charge your V-Mount batteries and to provide your camera with power. Depending on which v-mount battery you are charging, it will charge at about 3 to 4 amps. You calculate the time it takes to charge a battery as follows:
- Look on the battery case for the amperage, for example 6.8A.
- Divide this number by 3. In this case: 6.8/3=2.26.
- In this case, it takes 2 hours and 26 minutes to charge the battery.
Bateriju veids | Lādētājs |
Savienojumi | D-tap |
Savienojumi | D-tap male and DC male |