LED Fresnel Prožektori - Aputure LS 60D adjustable focusing IP54 light in Daylight beam angle 15-45 - ātri pasūtīt no ražotāja

Aputure Light Storm LS 60d LED lamp is a modern and lightweight equipment with high power, compact size and wide range of possibilities. The device can be successfully used in a home studio, on film sets, during shooting in the field and during photographic photo sessions. The flash emits natural light with a constant color temperature of 5600K. By using a unique aspherical lens, developed by Aputure, you can adjust the level of light beam dispersion without investing in additional modifiers.

Aputure LS 60D adjustable focusing IP54 light in Daylight beam angle 15-45

Rated 4.7/5 based on 1 customer reviews

37995 ar PVN

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    Apskatīt līdzīgus produktus

      Light Storm 60d ir dienasgaismas līdzsvarota (5500 K) regulējama fokusēšanas gaisma, kurā tiek izmantota precīza kondensatora objektīva optika, lai lietotāji varētu iekšēji pielāgot punkta/plūda staru kūļa leņķi no 15°–45°. 60d var darbināt, izmantojot komplektācijā iekļauto maiņstrāvas adapteri vai līdzstrāvas akumulatora ieeju, izmantojot komplektācijā iekļauto Dual Sony-NP-F akumulatora plāksnes adapteri vai kinoteātra akumulatoru ar D-Tap izvadi, piemēram, V-Mount akumulatoru. Visas šīs jaudas opcijas var uzstādīt V Mount uztvērēja klipā LS 60d 360° noliecamā jūga sānos ātrai un kompaktai darbībai. LS 60d ir arī IP54 noturīgs pret laikapstākļiem (putekļu un ūdens izturīgs), tāpēc tas ir veidots tā, lai izturētu jebkuru filmu veidošanas vidi. 60d ir saderīgs arī ar pielāgotu Bowens Mount adapteri un Spotlight Mini Zoom objektīvu, kas abi tiek pārdoti atsevišķi. Bowens Mount adapteris ļauj izmantot 60d mazo rāmi kopā ar jebkuru no mūsu esošajiem Bowens Mount apgaismojuma modifikatoriem, piemēram, Light Dome Mini II. (Nākotnē var būt pieejams 60 d/60 x 3 gaismu komplekts.) Galvenās funkcijas — 15°~45° regulējams punkta/plūdu staru kūļa leņķis — līdz 50 000 luksiem 1 metra augstumā pilnā 15° punktā. - Krāsu temperatūra: 5500K - IP54 laikapstākļu izturīgs (putekļu un ūdens izturīgs) - Izmantojiet vienu NP-F akumulatoru pusei jaudas; Divi pilnai jaudai — atbalsta Sidus Link mobilās lietotnes vadību — saderīgs ar Bowens montāžas adapteri un projekcijas objektīvu “Spotlight Mini Zoom” Galvenās funkcijas — 15°~45° regulējams punktveida/plūdu staru kūļa leņķis — līdz 50 000 luksi 1 metra augstumā 15 ° plankums. - Krāsu temperatūra: 5500K - CRI≥95, TLCI≥95 - IP54 laikapstākļu izturīgs (putekļu un ūdens izturīgs) - Izmantojiet vienu NP-F akumulatoru pusei jaudas; Divas pilnai jaudai — 0–100% regulējams spilgtums — savietojams ar Bowens montāžas adapteri un projekcijas objektīvu “Spotlight Mini Zoom” — iekļautas šķūņa durvis gaismas veidošanai — iekļauta dubultā Sony NP-F akumulatora plāksne — atbalsta Sidus Link mobilās lietotnes vadību — 8 Iebūvēts apgaismojums FX: paparaci, uguņošana, zibens, bojāta spuldze, televizors, pulsējošs, stroboskops, sprādziens — 360° slīpuma jūgs — V veida stiprinājuma uztvērējs, kas iebūvēts jūgā maiņstrāvas adaptera pievienošanai, dubultā NP-F akumulatora plāksne vai V mount Akumulators kompaktai darbībai - Iekļauts 6 m garš barošanas kabelis - Īpaši kluss 18 dB dzesēšanas ventilatora dizains - Lidmašīnas kvalitātes alumīnija konstrukcijas kvalitāte - Slēpta antena izturībai - Izejas jauda: 60 W - Darba temperatūra: -10–45°C - Strāvas specifikācijas: Maiņstrāva 100 ~ 240 V, 50/60 Hz Ietver: - 1x LS 60x lampas galva - 1x LS 60d/x šķūņa durvis - 1x barošanas avots un kabelis - 1x duālais Sony NP-F akumulatora plāksnes adapteris - 1x LS 60d/x D-TAp barošanas bloks. - 1x somiņa

      Aputure LS 60D — 60 W regulējama fokusēšanas gaisma

      LS 60d ir ar akumulatoru darbināma dienasgaismas līdzsvarota fokusēšanas gaismas diode, kas izmanto pielāgotu asfērisku optiku, lai sasniegtu 15–45° punktveida plūdu staru leņķi ar intensīvu izvadi un elastību.

      • 15°~45° regulējams vietas/plūdes stara leņķis
      • Līdz 50 000 luksu 1 metra augstumā pilnā 15 ° leņķī.
      • Krāsu temperatūra: 5500 K
      • IP54 laikapstākļu izturīgs (putekļu un ūdens izturīgs)
      • Atbalsta Sidus Link Mobile App Control
      • Saderīgs ar Bowens stiprinājuma adapteri un "Spotlight Mini Zoom" projekcijas objektīvu
      • CRI ≥95, TLCI ≥95
      • 0–100% regulējams spilgtums
      • Ietver šķūņa durvis gaismas veidošanai
      • Ietver divu Sony NP-F akumulatora plāksni
      • V veida stiprinājuma uztvērējs, kas iebūvēts jūgā, lai pievienotu maiņstrāvas adapteri, dubultu NP-F akumulatora plāksni vai V stiprinājumu
      • 8 iebūvēts apgaismojums FX: paparaci, uguņošana, zibens, bojāta spuldze, televizors, pulsēšana, stroboskops, sprādziens
      • 360° slīpuma jūgs
      • Īpaši kluss 18 dB dzesēšanas ventilatora dizains
      • Lidaparāta kvalitātes alumīnija konstrukcijas kvalitāte
      • Paslēpta antena izturībai

      Uzlabota jauda
      LS 60d pārspēj savu svara klasi kā 60 W dienasgaismas fokusēšanas LED ķermeņi, kas ir līdzvērtīgi 650 W volframa Fresnel jaudai un aizplūst. salīdzināmas LED gaismas. Ar savu pielāgoto Aputure asfērisko optiku LS 60d var izvadīt 50 000+ luksus pilnā vietā vai 8300+ luksi plūdu režīmā.

      Uzticama krāsa
      LS 60d Daylight LED turpina Aputure mērķi nodrošināt augstas kvalitātes, krāsu precīzas gaismas diodes visiem filmu veidotājiem ar CRI/TLCI rādītājiem 95+ un SSI (D56). ) no 72.

      Izturība pret laikapstākļiem
      Izstrādāts, lai izturētu jebkura plēves komplekta stingrību, LS 60d lampas galvai un līdzstrāvas savienotājam ir pret laikapstākļiem izturīgs dizains, kas apliecina tā izturību, tāpēc filmu veidotāji. var droši ņemt to līdzi jebkurā piedzīvojumā.

      Elektroenerģijas risinājumi
      Ar dažādiem iekļautiem barošanas risinājumiem LS 60d ir gaisma, kas izstrādāta, lai atrisinātu problēmas tā, kā to nespēj neviens cits aprīkojums. Modulārais V-Mount uztvērējs uz tā jūga var saturēt visas tā barošanas iespējas, tostarp maiņstrāvas adapteri, D-Tap (V-Mount) akumulatorus un viedo Dual NP-F bateriju plāksni.

      Elastīga izvade
      Light Storm ķermeņus, piemēram, 120d II, 300d II un 300x, var darbināt, izmantojot tikai viens akumulators, un LS 60d neatšķiras. LS 60d var sasniegt pilnu jaudu ar vienu D-Tap akumulatoru vai diviem NP-F akumulatoriem vai pusi jaudu ar vienu NP-F akumulatoru, izmantojot tā viedo dubulto NP-F akumulatora plāksni.

      Astoņu vērtņu durvis
      Iekļauti LS 60d komplektā, astoņu lapu barnduri nodrošina precīzāku vadību nekā tradicionālie barnduri, jo ir divi palīgkarodziņu pāri, kas var pielāgot gaismas jaudu. izmērs un forma.

      Pielāgojamība Bowensa stiprinājumam
      Kā gaismas vētras ierīce LS 60d var izmantot dažādus apgaismojuma modifikatorus. Papildus 8 lapu Barndoors 60d ietver pielāgotu Bowens stiprinājuma adapteri, ko pievieno tā piederumu stiprinājumam un ļauj izmantot Bowens Mount mīkstās gaismas modifikatorus.

      Gaismas veidošanas rīki
      LS 60d ir saderīgs arī ar LS 60 Softbox, kvadrātveida mīkstas gaismas modifikatoru un Spotlight Mini Zoom, precīzas aizsardzības pielikumu ar 2X optiskās tālummaiņas diapazonu. , kas abi ir īpaši izstrādāti LS 60d un 60x.

      Sidus lietotņu vadība
      Pievienojoties Sidus Link ekosistēmai, LS 60d iegūst vēl nebijušu, ātru un vienkāršu bezvadu vadību jebkuram šīs klases aprīkojumam. Kā daļa no režģa tīkla LS 60d veic divvirzienu saziņu ar kontrolējošo viedtālruni vai planšetdatoru un visiem citiem Sidus Mesh ķermeņiem, tādējādi nodrošinot izturīgāku tīklu un lielāku darbības rādiusu.

      Piegādes saturs
      • LS 60x lampas galva
      • LS 60 astoņu lapu šķūņa durvis
      • Barošanas avots un kabelis
      • Dual Sony NP-F akumulatora plāksnes adapteris
      • LS 60d/x D-Tap strāvas kabelis
      • Bowens Mount to LS 60 adapteris
      • Somiņa pārnēsāšanai

      Saderīgos aksesuārus skaties šeit

      Aputure Light Storm LS 60d LED lamp is a modern and lightweight equipment with high power, compact size and wide range of possibilities. The device can be successfully used in a home studio, on film sets, during shooting in the field and during photographic photo sessions. The flash emits natural light with a constant color temperature of 5600K. By using a unique aspherical lens, developed by Aputure, you can adjust the level of light beam dispersion without investing in additional modifiers. Thanks to the included adapters, you can easily power the device with popular NP-F series batteries and install additional accessories supported by Bowens standard, such as bowls, gates or softboxes on the front. On set work will be even more convenient thanks to the universal V-mount socket, which you will find on the fork yoke. Importantly, the Light Storm LS 60x is dust and splash proof. This will facilitate comfortable operation in harsh weather conditions. The Light Storm LS 60x is also another device from the Aputure family that works with the Sidus Link app, available from smartphones and tablets. It allows you to remotely control one or multiple light sources. With its help you can also launch unique special effects that effectively add variety to the atmosphere of your movies. The new product line LS 60 also includes practical accessories in a compact size that will significantly expand your film or photo workshop! Main features of the Aputure Light Storm LS 60d LED lamp maximum light intensity of 50 thousand lux Light color temperature of 5600 K adjustable light focus from 15 to 45° compatible with NP-F series batteries V-mount socket for convenient mounting of alternative power sources Forklift mount Fork mount for 360° lamp rotation 9 built-in lighting effects Functional flash effect for easy and convenient mounting of alternative power sources 9 built-in lighting effects to expand the creative use of the lamp 9 built-in lighting effects to expand the creative use of the lamp support for Sidus Link app that allows you to control one or a whole group of lights from your smartphone resilient for use in a wide range of lighting applications resistant to operation in harsh weather conditions (IP54 sealing standard) adapter allowing to mount accessories in the popular Bowens system 8-winged flash wings (IP54) 8-wing gates included Power and performance in a small case The Light Storm LS 60d lamp outclasses the competition not only with its compact dimensions, but also with its powerful light beam! Its maximum output power is only 60 watts, but the capabilities it offers surpass both traditional "LEDs" of similar specifications and 650-watt Fresnel studio floodlights. Custom aspheric optics developed by the experts at Aputure allow for a spot light output of 50,000 lux or a diffused light output of 8300 lux! Natural light color The Aputure Light Storm LS 60d lamp reproduces daylight with a constant color temperature of 5600 K. Its naturalness is confirmed by high CRI and TLCI values. These parameters determine the degree of similarity of the light to the sunlight spectrum. The higher the value on a scale from 0 to 100, the better the rendering of the colors of illuminated objects - they look more natural. CRI and TLCI coefficients at 95+ guarantee the correct rendering of the depth of tone and color fidelity. Adjustable light stream Want to decrease or increase the diameter of the light beam? With the Light Storm LS 60d, you don't need an additional modifier because it features a unique aspherical lens that operates from 15 to 45°. Diffuse the light to eliminate shadows or focus a powerful spot beam to a specific part of your frame. Convenient adjustment will provide an ergonomic knob, which you will find on the housing of the lamp. Resistant to dust and splashes Do you need a lamp that can handle a lot of travel? Do you often film outdoors? Do you use sprinklers, diffusers and other accessories on set that require special care? By choosing the Aputure Light Storm LS 60d, you can be sure that the harsh conditions will not interfere with your filming or photography plans. All power connectors and the lamp head have been properly protected. Thanks to this your ideas can be realized regardless of the prevailing weather conditions. V-mount socket always at hand The V-mount used on the Light Storm LS 60d is not just a convenient way to adjust the direction of light. It features a universal V-mount socket. It will make changing batteries even more convenient. If you use mains power, fewer items will be tangled under your feet. You can also connect a special mounting plate to the V-mount socket, which will accommodate two batteries in the popular NP-F standard. Whichever solution you choose, your film or photo set will always be tidy! Multiple power ways If you want to work with rechargeable batteries instead of connecting the lamp to a traditional power source, you don't have to sacrifice the maximum power offered by the Aputure Light Storm LS 60d LED lamp at all. Just one D-Tap compatible cell is enough to enjoy the full power of the device! You can also power the flash using popular NP-F series batteries. They are cheaper, smaller and extremely popular. No wonder they are used by thousands of filmmakers and photographers around the world! Two NP-F batteries are more than enough to provide you with the full power of the Aputure Light Storm LS 60d LED flash - exactly what mains power offers. If needed, one cell will also suffice. With this solution, the maximum light output will simply be halved. Beat blips and glare If you're looking for a way to control light even better, the special 8-leaf gates you'll find in the kit along with the Aputure Light Storm LS 60d LED flash come to the rescue. This convenient solution is appreciated by professional photographers and filmmakers around the world! Thanks to the ergonomic 8-blade design, you will even better match the character of the light to the scene you are filming or shooting. Thanks to additional wings you can better control the shape and size of the light beam, so you can easily get rid of all the unwanted shadows that may appear in the frames! Even more compatible accessories Are you dreaming of a new gates, canopy or softbox? When you choose the Light Storm LS 60d, you don't have to worry that the accessories you own or plan to buy to control the light even better won't be compatible with the Mini Mount. Included with the unit, you'll find a sturdy adapter that allows you to take advantage of the popular Bowens mounting system in the film industry. It will allow you to attach to the lamp both modifiers from Aputure offer (such as Light Dome II or Light Dome mini II) and those from other professional equipment manufacturers within seconds. Softbox LS60 and Spotlight Mini Zoom Looking to expand the range of uses for the Aputure Light Storm LS 60d LED lamp? Opt for unique accessories to better control the light. They will make your videos and photos even more interesting and unique. Choose the ergonomic Aputure LS60 softbox for convenient light softening and diffusing. Use it to create unique contrasts and precisely illuminate selected parts of your frame. Looking for a way to creatively play with light shape and beam size? The Aputure Spotlight Mini Zoom is the solution for you. Both are compatible with the new Mini Mount system, so you'll only need seconds to install your accessories in place and conveniently secure them with a special locking mechanism. The Aputure LS60 softbox and the Aputure Spotlight Mini Zoom streamer are not included with the Aputure Light Storm LS 60d LED lamp. Accessories must be purchased separately. Fireworks, fire and lightning-storm Looking for a way to spice up your videos with unique special effects? The LS 60d offers up to 9 preset modes that will simulate fireworks, a thunderstorm, a broken light bulb, fire or strobe, among other things. You'll find all the effects under names like Paparazzi, Fireworks, TV, Pulsing, Lightning, Faulty Bulb, Strobe, Explosion, and Fire and launch them from the Sidus Link app or the controller on the lamp. Take advantage of the special modes and see for yourself how the magic of Hollywood works! New opportunities with the Sidus Link app The Light Storm LS 60d is part of Aputure's proprietary ecosystem that allows you to control your lights with the Sidus Link app. It is available completely free from the App Store, Google Play, Mi App Store and Huawei App Gallery. With the help of the app, you can control a single light source as well as a whole group of lights. Working on a film or a shooting set becomes even more convenient, as the application allows access to almost all functions of the physical controller located on the selected lamp. Sidus Link also allows you to save your own settings, which will enable you to quickly adapt the light to your current needs. Specification model: Aputure Light Storm LS 60d Light color temperature: 5600 K CRI: 95+ TLCI: 95+ CQS: 93 SS (D56): 72 Maximum power consumption: 90 watts Maximum output power: 60 W Maximum power output: 60 W Maximum power output: 60 W Current rating: 90 W current capacity: operating voltage: one NP-F battery: 6 ~ 8.4 V two rechargeable NP-F batteries: 12 ~ 16.8 V two rechargeable NP-F batteries: 12 ~ 16.8 V two rechargeable NP-F batteries: 12 ~ 16.8 V D-Tap battery pack: 12 ~ 16.8 V Lighting angle: 15° ~ 45° Allowed operating temperature: -20°C ~ +45°C cooling system: active control: On-board (control panel on the lamp) SidusLink application (Bluetooth, SidusMesh™) Bluetooth network range: ≤ 80 m display type: OLED Weather resistance: yes Cable Type: Head Cable: 4-pin DC Twist Lock Cable Cable Type: Power Cable: Locking IEC Power Cable (4m) Modifier Mounting System: LS 60 Mini Mount Diameter of modifier mount: 120 mm stand mount: 16 mm / 5/8" (Baby Pin) weight: lamp: 1.8 kg window: 222 g power supply: 370 g adapter for NP-F batteries: 134 g whole kit with carrying case: 4.475 kg dimensions: lamp (without mounting bracket): 20.9 x 11.6 cm lamp (with mounting bracket): 28.0 x 15.6 x 12.7 cm inlet (closed): 13.4 x 10.8 x 3.3 cm power adapter: 13.5 x 5.6 x 3.4 cm adapter for NP-F batteries: 10.3 x 8.7 x 2.5 cm carrying bag: 42 x 20 x 20 cm Kit contents Aputure Light Storm LS 60d LED lamp AC adapter adapter for 2 NP-F batteries LS 60 Mini Mount - Bowens adapter 8-wing gates AC CON Cable D-tap DC Power Cable transport bag Photometry Distance 1 m 3 m 5 m Point light (15°) 54300 lx 54300 lx 7602 lx 2715 lx Point light (15°) 5045 cd 5045 cd 706 cd 252 cd Diffused light (45°) 9014 lx 9014 lx 1096 lx 402 lx Diffuse light (45°) 837 cd 837 cd 100 cd 37 cd
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