Ezybalance valge/hallkaart 50 cm (20") (2050) Ezybalance aitab saavutada õige värvusbalansi nii digitaal- kui ka filmikaameraga pildistamisel. Kaart on kahepoolne (hall ja valge), puhastatav, vastupidav ning kokkupandav.
The EzyBalance 18% is a handy double sided 'pop up' grey/white card which simplifies the complex technical issues surrounding exposure and colour correction when working in different lighting conditions.
A Unique focusing target enables the camera to focus on the card and take the necessary readings. A waterproof version is also available for scuba divers. Lastolite will repair or replace any product found to have a manufacturing defect. This Warranty is effective for two years from the date of purchase.
Ezybalance valge/hallkaart 50 cm (20") (2050) Ezybalance aitab saavutada õige värvusbalansi nii digitaal- kui ka filmikaameraga pildistamisel. Kaart on kahepoolne (hall ja valge), puhastatav, vastupidav ning kokkupandav.