mantona Video Tripod Dolomit 4000, 170cm

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Produkta īpašības:

  • profesionāls un īpaši izturīgs video statīvs ar galvu;

  • paredzēts lietošanai ar profesionālām videokamerām un DSLR;

  • galva ar šķidruma amortizāciju un līmeņrādi;

  • liela, gumijota ātrās noņemšanas plāksnīte ar skalu;

  • ērta augstuma fiksēšana;

  • apakšas stiprinājums papildu stabilitātei;

  • gumijas kāju uzgaļi ar asumiem;

  • izgatavots no augstas kvalitātes viegla alumīnija;

  • noslodze aptuveni 3-7 kg;

  • komplektā ietilpst pārnēsāšanas soma.


Tehniskie parametri:

Maksimālais augstums

170 cm

Minimālais augstums

51,5 cm

Transportēšanas garums

85 cm

Vertikālā pacelšana



~2 kg


1/4 un 3/8

Galvas svars

2,45 kg

Kopējais svars

10,2 kg


Type of ProductTripod Video
Tripod setwith head
Tripod setPro tripod with head
How to buy goods on lease?

  • 1. Evaluate your options.
  • 2a. If you want to buy only one product with leasing, then fill out the application here
  • 2b. If you want to buy several items or use another leasing company, then put the items in the basket and choose the leasing service when ordering.
    We offer leasing from Aizdevums SIA, Incredit SIA, ESTO.
    Manager will check the availability of the items in the cart and send the loan application link.
  • 3. If you receive a positive response, contact us to purchase the product. Consultants will check the availability of the product.
  • 4. If the product is available in the store or to be ordered from the warehouse, and you have received an affirmative answer from our consultants, please visit the store to proceed with purchase and leasing documents.
  • 4a. You can also ask us to issue an invoice for this product and visit one of the leasing company branches to sign up leasing documents *..
  • 5. Once the leasing documents have been signed up, you can receive the product in the store, if it is on site or inform our consultants and they will order it for you from the warehouse.
  • *It is possible to arrange delivery for leased goods, so you can also perform the entire purchase process remotely.
    **The sequence of leasing steps is the same for leases offered by InCredit Group.
    ***In case of doubt, contact our consultants!

    When using leasing services, carefully evaluate your options to repay the loan!
  • Lease

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