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Micro gamer-style thumbstick controller provides Pan/Tilt control to CV-PT-HEAD as well as Marshall cameras, power, and setting adjustment.
Menu Functions:
The Micro Joystick Controller (pn: CV-MICRO-JYSTK) from Marshall Electronics is the smallest and most cost-effective joystick ever produced. For many applications, the functionality of this joystick is all
that is required for straight forward and easy setup operation.
CV-MICRO-JYSTK can control and BR remote heads and various cameras. It can address any head ID from 1 ~ 8 and can even re-assign the ID of each PT Head.
A familiar thumb-type joystick controls both the pan, tilt, zoom & focus and is also used to cycle through the extensive menu functions. It has camera control protocols and CCU functions, built in. Using the Lemo (base) to Hirose (camera) cable included in CV-PT-HEAD box, it can accept data from RCP as well as power camera – camera control offers full CCU control of the camera.