Accessories - Micro SD 64GB 633x atmiņas karte ar SD adapteri

A deposit may be required when renting this item. If required, this will be determined during the booking process.

Micro SD 64GB 633x atmiņas karte ar SD adapteri Rental

Rated 4.5/5 based on 1 customer reviews

300 Per Day tax incl.

150 every next day -50%
075 from the fifth day -75%

In Stock
4 Items , in store, 39 F.Sadovnikova str.

Buy rent product: € 23.84

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      Atmiņas karte ir izmantojama GoPro un citās kamerās vai ierīcēs, kam nepieciešama MicroSD karte. Ar adapteri to var izmantot spoguļkamerās un citās, kur nepieciešama SD karte. Liels apjoms un augsts ieraksta ātrums būs piemērots gan fotografēšanai, gan video uzņemšanai.

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      4 Items

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      This is rental product, You can rent and test Micro SD 64GB 633x...
      Buy new one in our store here: buy new Micro SD 64GB 633x...
      You can test and buy used Micro SD 64GB 633x... with discount for: € 23.84 tax incl.
      About this rental article purchase with limited 14 days warranty please contact us.